- The warranty period plates 1 year from date of shipment through the retail distribution network, and for non-market consumption - from the date of issue of the manufacturer.
- The warranty period plates installed in the dorm or somewhere else in common use - one year from date of installation, if there is no manual for the stamp and records of the installation - the date of registration plates by the manufacturer.
- Warranty period of storage plate 12 months from the date of issuance by the manufacturer. Manufacturer's warranties are not valid if the warranty period has expired storage plate.
- When you purchase the buyer should get a board manual with a note about store sales and check it coupon availability and completeness of the plate and the absence of mechanical damage.
- In the absence of tear-off coupon to print shop to mark the date of sale boards, the warranty period is calculated from the date of issue of the plant.
- The manufacturer does not accept claims for shortage and damage to the mechanical board after its sale.
- Warranty does not cover the lamp lighting. On the issue of purchase should contact the retail chain stores.
- Absence in the certificate of installation board denies the right of warranty.
Victory for Ukraine! Let's support together! Charitable Foundation "Vyhodsky Krai"
Details for fundraising:
EUR Beneficiary (Отримувач)
Account number (номер рахунку): UA313808050000000026009775527
Organization (назва організації): LTD «BF VYHODSKYI KRAI»
Address of organization (юр. адреса організації): 77552, Zavodska street 4,Vygoda town Dolynskiy area Ivano-Frankivckiy region Ukraine
Bank of Beneficiary: Raiffeisen Bank Joint Stock Company, Leskova street.9, KYIV 01011, Ukraine
Correspondent Account: 55.022.305
Correspondent Bank : Raiffeisen Bank International AG
USD Beneficiary (Отримувач)
Account number (номер рахунку): UA543808050000000026008775528
Organization (назва організації): LTD «BF VYHODSKYI KRAI»
Address of organization (юр. адреса організації): 77552, Zavodska street 4,Vygoda town Dolynskiy area Ivano-Frankivckiy region Ukraine
Bank of Beneficiary: Raiffeisen Bank Joint Stock Company, Leskova street.9, KYIV 01011, Ukraine
Correspondent Account: 890-0260-688
Correspondent Bank : The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA